The Online flash course for wedding photographers!

"From now on, you capture EVERY moment of the wedding confidently!"

Online flash course? let's go!

Claim the deal above!

"I really don't dare to use flash at a weddings!"

"No? That's a shame. But more importantly: a missed opportunity! Because you're leaving behind so many beautiful moments. Photographing in (too) little daylight is a challenge, that's true. But let's be honest: wouldn't it be wonderful if you, as a wedding photographer, could capture an entire wedding day? From start to finish.

And that 'finish' often extends into the late hours. Romantic moments, grand candlelit dinners, and that wedding celebration where everyone visibly enjoys. Without daylight, but with legendary and memorable moments. And you're skipping those because you're afraid of your camera's flash? 🤯

Say no more, I'm here to help!

With the Online Flash Course, you'll quickly learn how to make that flash work for you. How to use it in a fun and functional way. Confidently and with the quality you stand for.

"Ready to discover what flash photography will bring you?

On-camera & Off-camera

In the online course, you will learn how to use a single flash as well as multiple flashes.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point. There are quite a few misconceptions about (wedding) photography with flash.

'Photos with flash are flat and not charming.' Or: 'Flashes don't fit my style as a photographer.' And I also hear sometimes: 'Those settings are so difficult, the flash never does what I want it to do.'

I get it. Coming home with the feeling that it could have been better. Or knowing that the photos would have been more beautiful with a lower ISO range (noise/grain). And that's exactly where you can make a difference. You maintain your own style and treat yourself to an expansion of your skills. Because you know it can be easier. And I haven't even mentioned what it brings you (hello, an average of €400.00 extra per wedding 🤯!).

When you're at a wedding, you want to...

..set up your flashes once and capture the entire evening with the same setting?

.. confidently grab your camera, even when the sun has long set?

..deliver the quality that makes your style unique, enhanced with cool flash skills?

In the Online Flash Course, you get exactly the tools you're currently missing. In a straight-to-the-point manner, with very clear explanations and videos. A unique program that you follow at your own pace and where you share your struggles and successes.

Unlimited access to the essential online flash course for every wedding photographer.

Your quality as a professional wedding photographer!

"You're either a wedding photographer or you're not. You love that festive atmosphere. With a keen eye for tender, funny, and precious moments. Capturing that unique day in the life of two lovers. That's what gets you going, right?"

And it's wonderful to be able to do that confidently. To deliver the quality that you stand for as a professional. That's why I'd love to show you that properly setting up flashes and applying them is actually very simple. I'll explain to you exactly how to turn every moment of a wedding day into a celebration. Because that's what it is when your camera does exactly what you want!

The Online Flash Course really gives you what you need:

  • Super clear explanations on setting up flashes and the guarantee that with one camera setting and one flash setup, you can photograph an entire party. Yes, without bothering the guests!
  • Sharp photos, vibrant colors, and better quality than you ever expected. A place to ask all your questions, discuss with like-minded individuals, and address your last-minute emergencies in a Discord emergency group.
  • Being able to control every (dark) situation and see the creative potential of every location without relying on the DJ's, band's, or venue's light."

"This way, you can go to the party venue with full confidence in yourself. Because believe me, those flashes will bring you a lot of extra beauty!"

What a difference!

Hi there, I'm halfway through the online course. I really want to thank you for what I've learned so far. Today was my first wedding with 2 flashes. Unfortunately, not three yet. But what a difference already, so happy! Really, thank you!!

Moniek - photo4us 
You've made me so enthusiastic about flash photography!

"It's sooooo worth it! I hesitated for 1.5 years at that threshold. And I have no regrets about doing it! You've made me so enthusiastic to keep going! 🔥"

Jessica - jezz photography

The power of the Online flash course?

It lies in how well you can apply it in practice. Namely: immediately. You can start practicing with flashes right away and ask your questions in an instant. This way, you discover how to make the flash work for you and your style as a wedding photographer. Because that's what I teach you.

And I do it in a straight-to-the-point manner. No secrets, no technical jargon. I've been working as a wedding photographer for many years and have experienced many situations. Unexpected twists, disappointing spaces, dark party venues. Yet, you can turn it into a celebration every time without ruining the atmosphere with flash. That's how I see the Online Flash Course too: a cozy group that wants to get the most out of it. Powerful to be able to do that together, right?

That's why I discuss every aspect of a wedding in the course. After the course, you'll know exactly where and how to place the flash in the right spot. I'll teach you how to handle them both on-camera and off-camera effortlessly. And I mean truly effortlessly. You'll never forget this. You'll discover how the flash fits into your style, and you'll receive a handy list of equipment to invest in (and they're certainly not the most expensive items, you know me).

Over $600 extra turnover per wedding, because the party venue is now all yours too!

No more fear and stress!

Become a master at capturing wedding parties and dark situations! Leave fear and stress behind in dark spaces. Learn to effortlessly set up a flash in no time. Preserve the magical atmosphere with just the right amount of flash.

Discover all the secrets of flash photography. You will find confidence and peace, even in the darkest situations. Become a unique and versatile wedding photographer who stands out. Increase your revenue and surpass your competition."

This is the one and only Online flash photography course

    • Learn on-camera flash (single flash)
    • Learn off-camera flash (multiple flashes)
    • Unlimited access to the course and online community in one convenient app
    • 30 short videos and sample photos with all the clear explanations you need
    • Multiple live Q&A sessions with me throughout the year, so you get answers to all your questions
    • A complete chapter dedicated to solving various problems
    • Immediate access to the Discord Emergency Group: for last-minute emergencies
    • All the experience and knowledge of an award-winning wedding photographer in one place
  • My own revenue has grown by $600 per wedding because I'm now booked for the entire day and evening. So, what do you think? Every year, more than 200 photographers take one of my courses.

    For just 647,- you can join too!


anneke-mensink - flexmi

"Not even 4 weeks later, I was able to photograph an entire evening wedding with 3 external flashes and 1 on-camera flash."
Anneke Mensink

Flitsen op een bruiloft

"It was truly an eye-opener."
Marieke - Beleef je portret

Mariëlle Franssen - Flexmi

"Super cool that you shared everything."
Mariëlle Franssen

Stan Bessem - Flexmi

"Can it really be that easy to flash? Yes, it can."
Stan Bessems

You can achieve this thanks to the online flash course:

On-camera flitsen

✅ On-camera flash

This is where it begins. A single flash on your camera for when it gets too dark. For when your camera settings can no longer brighten the exposure. In several detailed videos, I explain how you can capture every situation with a single flash. After this module, you'll be able to do on-camera flash and capture the most beautiful moments while maintaining the atmosphere.
Off-camera flitsen

✅ Off-camera flash photography

For when you really want to step up your professionalism. Off-camera, or multiple strobes, are ideal if you want to create perspectives or if you're aiming for more creativity. Off-camera is the solution for every low-light situation. With these comprehensive videos, you'll be able to capture every dark space atmospherically in no time.
Bruidsfotograaf laat foto zien aan bruid

✅ The best camera settings for flash photography

Of course, we shouldn't forget about the camera settings. I explain step by step which settings are best for capturing, for example, a wedding celebration or ceremony. You might not expect it, but your camera settings are more important than setting up your flash correctly.

✅ One single flash setting for each situation.

There's often a misconception that you need to constantly adjust your flash and be continuously focused on the technical aspects. This is a misunderstanding! Soon, you'll be able to capture an entire wedding celebration with just one camera and flash setting per situation.

Trouwceremonie bruiloft cachot

✅ Every single wedding situation is explained

Every situation is different, right? And that's exactly what I'm going to explain, from preparations to the ceremony, from dinner to the party. Each part of a wedding is explained with clear instructional videos.
Dragging the shutter

✅ Capturing wedding celebrations and parties

The icing on the cake. This is what you want to deliver to your bridal couples. The most unique and beautiful moments of the wedding celebration. After completing the course, you'll know how to capture the party both on-camera (1 flash) and off-camera (multiple flashes). Let's get this party started!

About Sander van FLEXMI

"Hi, Sander here! The face and creative force behind FLEXMI photography. Playfully, I'm also called 'the Flashmaster.' Well, a wedding photographer with flash techniques remains special. I've been capturing weddings for years and have received 30(!) awards from platforms like MyWed, Fearless, and Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography.

And I still enjoy it. Celebrating love and capturing memories on such a special day. Sharing my skills and knowledge with you is fantastic, and I hope you're excited to learn something new too!"

aanhalingstekens geel - Flexmi

"It's truly an enrichment for every wedding photographer."

Do you want to know anything else?

Logische vragen online flits cursus

Ik heb nog geen flitsers, kan ik dan meedoen?

Jazeker, ook zonder flitsers kun je aan de cursus beginnen. In de online cursus leg ik mijn flitsers uit en ontvang je als deelnemer ook een kortingscode die je kunt inwisselen bij aanschaf van flitsers!

Voor wie is deze cursus geschikt?

Voor elke fotograaf die één of meerdere bruiloften fotografeert.

Hoelang heb ik toegang tot de cursus?

Je hebt onbeperkt toegang tot de online cursus.

Krijg ik ook persoonlijke begeleiding?

Jazeker! Meerdere keren per jaar heb je de mogelijkheid om mij vragen te stellen over de cursus of flitsers in een live zoom sessie.

Wanneer start de flitstechniek cursus?

Wanneer jij wilt! Als je wilt, kun je over 10 minuten beginnen. De videolessen staan al klaar voor je.

Kan ik de cursus in termijnen betalen?

Wat tof dat je een cursus wilt volgen! Betalen in termijnen is zeker mogelijk. Je kunt bij het afrekenen kiezen voor 1, 2 of 3 termijnen.

Kan ik op elk moment instromen?

Ja, je kunt je inschrijven wanneer jij wilt.

Als ik nog geen ervaring heb met flitsers, is deze cursus dan ook voor mij?

Jazeker! Sterker nog: dan is dit een mega mooie start. Ik leg alles uit, van het instellen van een flitser tot en met hoe je ze inzet.

Krijg ik een btw factuur bij mijn bestelling?

Jazeker, zodra je een cursus hebt aangeschaft, ontvang je een factuur in je mailbox. Alle tarieven die je ziet staan zijn ex. 21% btw. Uiteraard kun je dit als studiekosten in de boekhouding zetten.

Zit ik bij het volgen van de cursus vast aan bepaalde dagen en tijden?

Nee hoor, je kunt binnen de termijn van de cursus zelf bepalen wanneer je begint en wanneer je de video’s bekijkt. Zo kun je dus heel flexibel een cursus volgen, waar en wanneer jij wilt en zo vaak als jij wilt!

Hoe kan ik de video’s van de cursus bekijken?

Alle video’s staan in een afgeschermde online leeromgeving. Nadat je betaling voor de cursus voldaan is, krijg je automatisch per mail de inloggegevens hiervan en kun je meteen inloggen en de video’s bekijken.

Ik wil graag de cursus aanraden aan andere fotografen, kan dit?

Jazeker, wat tof dat je dit wilt doen. Ik vertel je hier alles over in de online cursus. Je kunt zo je investering ook terugverdienen.

Is deze cursus ook geschikt voor studio fotografie?

De cursus is vooral gericht op het gebruik van reportage flitsers. Studio flitsers worden niet uitgelegd in de cursus.

Is de flits cursus ook geschikt voor een PPO vergoeding?

Jazeker. Meerdere cursisten hebben de Werktuig PPO al met succes aangevraagd en een deel van de kosten vergoed gekregen.

The entire wedding

Effortlessly set up and apply flashes to capture the entire wedding day (and evening)!

Bruidsfotograaf laat foto zien aan bruid

Additional assignments and revenue

Extra assignments in the evenings and winter because you can now combine flash photography with your own style!
Creatieve flits foto met de bruidegom

Unlimited access 🤯

Unlimited and 24/7 access to the course and assistance with all your urgent questions in the WhatsApp emergency group.

Your motivation is already there

Your desire to become even better as a wedding photographer is there too. So, consider yourself more than invited to the Online Flash Course. I hope to see you soon!

Dark spaces are a piece of cake from today onward!

Claim your flash deal below

Let's go!!! 
Including all bonus material